Are you planning to recruit your future m / f employees? You want to go through a recruitment professional of the type: recruitment office, recruitment firm, recruitment agency etc ...
Profil Hunter is your professional partner in recruiting profiles
To help you recruit the right profile, we implement recruiting mix techniques.
Very often most of the recruitment professionals of the type recruitment office, recruitment firm, recruitment agency etc ... use recruitment by advertisements. Clearly, they register an advertisement on the internet or a job board and wait for the applications to arrive. From our point of view, this is not the best way to get as many profiles as possible. Because yes: the objective is to find a large number of profiles at the start to then put them in competition and at the end only select the best (s) by means of a methodology allowing to analyze "know-how" and "know-how"
Our recruitment firm, or recruitment agency or recruitment office in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and in the Hautes Alpes ensures a pyramid strategy to find the right profiles. There are generalist recruitment firms, multi-specialist recruitment firm or recruitment agency or recruitment office, or specialized interim agencies and company ... 4 major means are available to "source" m / f profiles and make Sourcing Lyon, Sourcing Paris, Sourcing Marseille
- Reach out to profiles by advertisements : we do not favor recruitment by advertisements because very often only 1 or 2 applications correspond to the types of profiles requested by our clients
- Touch profiles By thematic directories: This is about sourcing, looking for specialized recruitment directories on which candidates have left their CVs. Example: APEC, Pole Emploi, Monster, RégionJob, Cadre Emploi etc ... If in this method ten CVs correspond, other means must be used.
- Reaching out to profiles through professional social networks : Number 1 being Linkedin which has engulfed Viadeo. Using this approach, candidates may be interested in a recruitment process, but often their Linkedin profiles help them find new clients.
- Reaching out to profiles by direct approach ( our specialty where we abandon 80% of our recruitment ): this involves reaching out to candidates for positions in the requested field of activity or for the desired position.