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Our HR consulting firm operates in Lyon, Paris, on a time-shared HRD service. In our teams and partners we have former HRDs, consultants, recruitment officers, lecturers and HR managers able to support you on important topics related to business life: recruitment, dismissal, changes in payroll, delegate of staff, development, skills assessment etc ... Also, do not be alone in making the decision, get advice in various cases: dismissal, precautionary procedure, salary assessment, skills upgrading for a position, staff development ... We offer you a set of HR consulting via our HR consulting firm lyon , HR consulting firm Paris and we provide a service of HRD in Lyon , HR in timeshare in Paris
HR consulting firm service Lyon, HR consulting firm service Paris
More and more companies are thinking of outsourcing their HR services, also in this context they want to find in front of them a real partner of the Lyon HR consulting firm when they are in the Rhone Alpes region, or a Paris HR consulting firm. if they are located in IDF. The mission of the HR consulting firm is to provide for the same tasks as a human resources department, the missions are therefore to be able to manage recruitments, with or without a headhunting or recruitment service by direct approach, to provide coaching , training, managing and maintaining skills assessments, conducting assessment interviews with employees etc ... The main advantage of Profil Hunter and our consulting firm Rh Lyon and HR consulting Paris is that we manage a large numbers of companies identical to each other on their issues, so we compile best practices, "best practices" in order to pool experiences and provide each of our customers with a reliable and measurable response capable of growing the 'business. Digital specialist, we also ensure the digital transformation of your company on your human resources in order to have a single HRD service, simplified and shared with other company departments.
Time-share HRD service Lyon, Time-shared HRD service Paris
The time-share HRD service mainly affects a target of professionals who are too few to recruit a HRD profile, a human resources profile, which is often the case for companies between 2 and 100 employees. This type of professional TPE, SME, craftsman, merchant, industrialist, service company or others generally need to be advised between 1 and 3 days per month. The objective of the time-shared HRD service is therefore to guide the business manager or the management committee wishing to obtain answers on very pragmatic questions: what to do in the event of the absence of one of the employees (maternity leave , parental leave, etc.), business restructuring issue, validating the legal aspects of meetings and employment contracts, setting up management tools, training and supporting managers in their functions, interview training, management interpersonal conflict ...) defined on the basis of specifications. The missions of the time-share HRD service are therefore diverse and varied. Other objectives can be to train you in our methodology on how to recruit your employees, how to evaluate them, what to do in the event of a conflict between a manager and his employee ... so that you can diagnose yourself and find the answer to your expectations. If you are based in Rhone Alpes, the Lyon timeshare HRD service will be made for you, if you are based in Ile de France or in the Paris region, the time-sharing HRD service in Paris will also be made for you,
C ontact Hunter Profile If you want a time-shared HRD service or for HR strategy advice, or if you have trouble finding the right profile, we work in the trades and areas of sales , distribution , HR , technical & tertiary , IT , Medica l, BTP and others , or in sales positions, DAF , HRD , manager etc ...
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