The consultant or the project manager is a key profile in the success of a digital company or for a service company . Our recruitment firm and headhunter on consultant and project manager profiles provides services in Paris, Lyon, Marseille. Most service or digital companies ( CRM, software publisher, big data, ESN, SSII, IT company, cyber security, digital transformation etc ...) need to put a key resource between its teams and the teams of the client . Obviously we find the term in other fields of activity: industry , sales , medical , construction , HR (such as the recruitment consultant ). But here we will talk about the consultant position that evolves in a B to B service company
This position in companies can be in several places in the sales or production chain: pre-sales consultant, pre-sales project manager, deployment consultant, etc. And can intervene at several levels within the company or at the customer's premises. directly: IT consultant, engineering consultant, business consultant, organizational consultant, business project manager, etc. Finally, his positions can also be associated with a technology: Android project manager, Unix project manager, Linux project manager, consultant Windows, Oracle consultant, ERP project manager, SAP consultant, SAGE consultant, Web project manager, Dynamics consultant, Dassault 3D Experience consultant etc ...
What tasks for an IT consultant in Paris, Lyon, Marseille?
The IT consultant or IT project manager is the cornerstone for decoding the client's language. The client expresses a need which will be transcribed and retranslated by the consultant in order to decode the message and to transcribe the good IT to the technical, business and IT teams internally. When recruiting an IT consultant in Paris, it is important to check that the latter therefore has a strong drafting and understanding duty. In addition to excellent presentation, the latter is often physically with the customer whether this is in representation with for example the support of a sales representative as part of a pre-sales consultant, or he can even directly integrate the customer's team in the consultant placement framework as with ESNs and IT services companies.
What state of mind for an IT project manager in Paris, Lyon, Marseille?
When recruiting a Lyon IT consultant, Lyon project manager, it is important to verify that the latter is a good "know-how", or the first desire to "do well" Beyond having the want it is imperative to check his skills in the specific areas that will be required, especially if he must master an adequate programming language: SAP, Windows, Orcale, Dassault Sytemes etc ... Our IT consultant recruitment firm IT Marseille or IT project manager Marseille intervenes in the PACA region, for the recruitment of a CRM ERP Lyon consultant, CRM Lyon project manager in Rhone Alpes or in Ile de France via our recruitment firm IT consultant Paris before sales IT software editor . The consultant can be around salaries ranging from 60k € to 90k € per year depending on the geographic area, experience and field of activity. Note that this position is rather for profiles Bac + 5, grandes écoles. Our firm gives you the benefit of its experience and know-how to assist you in the recruitment of an IT consultant or project manager . This recruitment can be done in one to one recruitment or in an assessment center format .
We search and select for you the best qualified candidates in trades related to the fields of commerce: Computer sales , sales manager , sales manager ... Profile Hunter it is your headhunting recruitment firm, specialist in sales and distribution recruitment, consultant recruitment firm Lyon , consultant recruitment firm Paris , consultant recruitment firm Marseille and anywhere in France